Purple granite

Purple granite is mainly mined in Småland, Bohuslän and Västergötland. These areas are known for their rich geological diversity and have been sites of quarries and stone industry for a long time. The same type of granite is sometimes called Flivik when it comes from a quarry on the island of Oskarshamn. 

The violet granite is a natural and beautiful stone variety characterized by its violet tones. It has a smooth and fine grain structure that gives it a smooth and polishable surface. Its durability and unique appearance make it a popular choice for those looking for a gravestone with a local connection.

Edurus Nordisk sten -stående gravsten i violett granit från Sverige. Stor robust modell med råhuggen inramning till den polerade textytan.
Edurus Nordisk sten -liggande polerad gravsten i violett granit från Sverige. Polerad oval modell med försänkt silvermålad text och dekor.

Our other granite types

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  • Red Vanga granite

  • Black diabase

  • Bårarp gneiss

  • Gray Kurugranite

  • Red Bohus granite

  • Dark gray granite

  • Gray Bohus granite

  • Light gray granite

  • Black granite

  • Greenish gray granite

  • Labrador granite

  • Indian blue-gray granite

  • Red flamed granite

  • Indian red granite